在港出生的Resham Narain,曾在印度、瑞士和英國留學。當她嫁入一個傳統香港家庭後,便全情投入香港的慈善活動,曾任公益金、微笑行動、FOCUS等多個慈善機構的籌款成員。她非常熱衷橋牌,也因此而讓我認識了這位優雅迷人的女士。很高興能在她家中享用晚餐,因她讓我認識到咖喱需要伴菜才能令整頓晚餐達至完美,扁豆蓉和乳酪皆有着重要用途,可增加咖喱的味道。


咖喱羊肉 / Mutton Curry

材料 Ingredients
帶骨羊腿 1斤 1 catty leg mutton, with bone
紅洋葱(切碎) 3杯 3 cups chopped red onions
2大個 2 large tomatoes, without skin, grated to form 1 heaped cup
1 1/2茶匙 1 1/2 tsp ginger, grated
1茶匙 1 tsp garlic, grated
1條 1 cinnamon stick
大黑豆蔻(錐開豆莢) 2個 2 cooking cardamoms(large black), pound once to break the pod
3粒 3 whole cloves
2大塊 2 large bay leaves-torn in half
1/4杯 1/4 cup corn oil

3至4杯 3-4 cups water

1茶匙 1 tsp salt
1個 1 potato, quartered, optional
黑胡椒粒 10 10 black pepper corns

製作羊肉 / To Make The Mutton

1.帶骨羊肉切成1 1/2吋方粒。洗淨羊肉,瀝乾水分。
Cut the mutton(with bone)into 1 1/2 inch cubes. Wash and dry the meat.
Use a grater to grate skinless tomato into a paste.(This should form 1 heaped cup). Also grate the ginger and garlic. Set aside.
Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed casserole and add the cinnamon, cardamom, bay leaves, black pepper corns, cloves and fry until aromatic.
4. 加入3杯紅洋葱碎,炒至洋葱半透明狀。加入薑蓉和蒜蓉。兜炒12分鐘或直至洋葱和材料變成啡紅色。
Now add the 3 cups chopped red onions, and fry gently until onions turn translucent. Add the minced ginger and garlic. Stir-fry for about 12 minutes or until the onion mixture is a reddish-brown colour.
5. 灑入所有沙拉粉(包括黃薑粉、印度馬沙拉粉、芫荽粉、茴香粉和紅椒粉)。材料會逐漸變成啡色。
Sprinkle all the masala powders in(turmeric, garam masala, gound coriander, cumin powder and red chili powder). The mixture should get browner.
6. 加入番茄蓉,不停攪拌至水分收乾,油分滲出。加入羊肉,繼續攪拌至收乾所有水分。蓋上鍋蓋,調低火,仍不時攪拌。
Now add the grated tomatoes. Stir till the water is absorbed and the oil is released.Add the mutton cubes and keep stirring till the water dries up. Cover and lower the heat, stirring now and again.
Oils will start to ooze out as the mutton is drying, and turn brown in colour. Add 2 cups of water. Bring to a rolling boil and lower the fire. Season with salt and cover to simmer for at least 1/2 hour.
When the water has almost dried, pour the last 2 cups of water in with the potato and simmer for an hour or till the mutton is fork tender.



To make the basmati rice more flavourful, first soak the rice for 10 minutes then flavor the rice with bay leaf, black pepper corns and cinnamon(first fried to fragrant in 2 tbsp oil). Add 1 crushed green cardamom and 1/4 tsp salt.

製作扁豆蓉 / To Make The Dal

材料 Ingredients
1 1/2杯 1 1/2 cups yellow moong dal
薑 切絲約
1吋長 1-inch ginger, julienned
3杯 3 cups water (enough to cover the dal by at least 5 inches)
黃薑粉 1茶匙 1 tsp turmeric powder
鹽 (調味) 少許 Salt to taste
配菜   Garnish
大洋葱(磨碎約有1 1/2杯)
1個 1 large onion, grated as 1 1/2 cups
2個 2 large tomatoes, grated
2個 2 green chilies, chopped fine
薑蓉(磨蓉) 1茶匙 1 tsp grated ginger


1. 小心檢查篩走扁豆中的沙石,之後將之洗濯兩次,如洗米般做法。
First check to sift out any stones in the dal. Then wash and rinse the dal twice like you do with rice.
2. 在煲裏放入2杯水和瀝乾的扁豆。煮滾後,加入薑絲和黃薑粉,調慢火煮。如果乾,可多加1杯水,慢火煮至扁豆看似薯蓉般,千萬別讓扁豆煮焦或黏底。加鹽調味。冷卻後放入榨汁機或攪拌機內攪成如嬰兒吃的糊狀。
In a pot, add 2 cups of water and the drained dal. Bring to a boil. Now add the ginger julienne and 1 tsp turmeric powder. Lower heat to simmer. When the water dries add 1 more cup of water till the dal resembles thick mashed potato. Do not allow the dal to burn/stick to the bottom of the pot. Add salt to taste.Allow to cool and blend with a liquidizer or blender. The consistency should be like baby food.
For the garnish, in a separate frying pan, brown the onions till a deep golden brown.Add the grated tomatoes, ginger, green chilies and garlic and continue frying until the mixture looks like a smooth pulp.
4. 上桌前翻熱扁豆,另加少許水,令其更像嬰兒糊。以煮熱的配菜作裝飾。
Before serving, reheat the dal, and add a little more water to get the same baby food consistency. Dish and decorate with the heated garnish.

製作乳酪 / To Make The Yoghurt

材料 Ingredients
1盒(475克) 1 tub plain yoghurt(475gm)
1/2個 1/2 cucumber, julienned
1湯匙 1 tbsp sugar or the taste
1/4茶匙 1/4 tsp salt
1/2茶匙 1/2 tsp mustard seeds
6片 6 curry leasves
胡椒粉、茴香粉和辣椒粉 適量 Sprinkling of pepper, cumin powder and chili powder


1. 將乳酪、鹽、糖和茴香粉放在大碗拌勻。加入青瓜絲,攪拌後置放碗中。
In a bowl, mix the yoghurt, salt, sugar and cumin powder. Add the cucumber. Mix and dish into a serving bowl.
2. 在小煎鍋內加入1湯匙油,燒熱至少許冒煙。加入芥末籽,會有少許爆開。移開煎鍋,加入咖喱葉。
Heat 1 tbsp oil in a small frying pan till a little smoking. Add the mustard seeds. They will pop. Remove pan from the fire and add the curry leaves.
3. 細心地放在乳酪上,澆上少許油,再灑上胡椒粉、茴香粉和辣椒粉作裝飾。
Decorate carefully onto the yoghurt and drizzle on a little bit of the oil. Garnish with a prinkling of the pepper, cumin and chili powder.


梁許安璞梁許安璞(Annie Leong)於2005 年4 月開始撰寫這個專欄,隨後更出版了《安璞.滋味.知美》及《安璞.滋味.知緣》兩本烹飪書。憑着她對食物的極端執着與狂熱,對任何菜式都鍥而不捨地解構烹調技巧及製作完美食譜,深得忠實讀者的擁護。梁太於2007年10 月成立了www.cookwithannnie.com 網站,透過網站的討論區,與會員直接互動,交流各式各樣的題材、疑問和意見,也為她帶來更多刺激的新方向。梁許安璞熱情傾注的非凡入廚之旅,就只等你開卷一讀! annie.leong@singtaonewscorp.com

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