
梁許安璞/Annie Leong
梁許安璞(Annie Leong)經過五年努力不懈地精深鑽研食譜、撰寫專欄和烹飪書後,近日作出新突破。
香酥塘虱魚配青杧果沙律/Crispy Catfish with Green Mango Salad

材料(4至6人份量) | Ingredients(Serves 4-6) |
塘虱魚肉 200克 | catfish meat 200g |
青杧果沙律 | Green mango salad |
青杧果絲 1杯 | green mango, julienned 1 cup |
原味鮮椰絲 1/2杯 | shredded fresh unsweetened coconut 1/2 cup |
紅洋葱絲 1/2杯 | thinly sliced red onion 1/2 cup |
細粒花生(脆焗) 2湯匙 | small peanuts, roasted 2 tbsp |
蝦米(搗碎) 1湯匙 | dry shrimps, grounded 1 tbsp |
蝦米(切碎,炒香) 2湯匙 | dry shrimps, chopped and fried 2 tbsp |
芫荽葉(略切碎) 1/4杯 | coriander leaves, roughly chopped 1/4 cup |
沙律汁 | Salad dressing |
蒜蓉 1茶匙 | minced garlic 1 tsp |
青檸檬汁 2湯匙 | lime juice 2 tbsp |
糖 2湯匙 | sugar 2 tbsp |
魚露 2湯匙 | fish sauce 2 tbsp |
指天椒(略切碎) 1湯匙 | bird's eye chili, roughly minced 1 tbsp |
青杧果沙律製法/Preparing the Green Mango Salad

Skin the mango with a sharp pairing knife.

Use either a mandoline or a large-size grater to shred. Set aside.

Toast the coconut in a dry frying pan(without oil)for 2-3 minutes over medium heat until aromatic and it turns a light golden colour.

Mix the salad dressing ingredients: 1 tsp minced garlic, 1 tbsp minced chili, 2 tbsp lime juice, 2 tbsp sugar and 2 tbsp fish sauce in a small bowl. The dressing should be hot, sweet, sour and salty. Set aside.

In a separate bowl, mix the roasted peanuts, dry shrimp, both whole and ground, toasted coconut, sliced red onion and chopped coriander leaves together. Toss well to combine.

Before serving, mix the shredded mango into the bowl that contains the peanuts, dry shrimp, etc.

Add the salad dressing, toss well to combine.
塘虱魚處理/Preparing the Catfish
材料 | Ingredients |
塘虱魚 2條 | catfish 2 |
鹽 1/2茶匙 | salt 1/2 tsp |
油 3杯 | oil 3 cups |

Wash the fish thoroughly, particularly the gut area.

In a wok, heat enough water to cover the fish. Before the water comes to a boil, plunge both fish into the water for a few minutes.

Immediately scoop the fish out of the water; use a brush to remove the slime and at the same time rinse under cold running water. Dry the fish very well with a clean cloth.

Slightly salt the fish then bake at 220℃(425℉or Gas Mark 7)in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until cooked.

Take the skin off the fish, then the meat off the bone. Spread the fish meat out on a tray and allow to dry for a few hours.

Smash fish meat with the blade(flat side)of a knife.

Use the back of the knife to chop fish meat until roughly separated and form into flakes. Spread the fish flakes out evenly on a tray.

Heat 3 cups of oil in a wok until very hot. Add 1/3 of the fish flakes into the oil and turn off the heat. After 3 minutes, turn the heat to medium and continue to deep fry the fish flakes until they are golden and crispy.

The fish flakes will puff up and a turn a light golden colour. Flip over and deep-fry a few seconds. They will clump together as it fries. Remove the fish flakes with a spider net flat strainer and drain on paper towels. Repeat with the remaining fish flakes.

Serve either with the green mango salad on the side or place the fried fish on the top of the salad.
Basic ingredients

Catfish may be purchased in the wet market where they sell freshwater fish.

There are two types of green mango, the darker green colored ones are less sour.