
知名廚藝家 Rose Prince

遊走活躍於飲食與文化界、英國著名廚藝家Rose Prince,現為英國暢銷《每日電訊報》及多份馳名報刊包括《星期日電訊報》、《每日郵報》、《時代》雜誌等的專欄作家。除此,她更參與英國廣播電台(BBC)美食節目的製作,歷年來曾出任食物及農業部大賞的評判,以及國家肉食業委員會的諮詢成員。2009年更被流行雜誌《Vogue》評選獲封為「英國最具卓智先見女性」。2000至2010年期間,為英國知名飲食作家Elizabeth David拍製傳記電影,以及著有多部暢銷飲食書刊:《The New English Kitchen(2005)》、《The Savvy Shopper(2006)》、《The New English Table(2008)》、《The Good Food Producers Guide(2010)》。

Tagliata-grilled Beef with Peppery Leaves and Mature Cheese

材料(4人份量) Ingredients
厚切牛冧肉或西冷牛扒 750克/1磅10安士 750g/1lb 10oz thick cut rump or sirloin steak
芝麻菜或菜苗沙律菜 4大束 4 large handfuls of rocket leaves, or baby leaf salad
不經過濾初榨橄欖油 4湯匙 4 tablespoons unfiltered extra virgin olive oil
成熟綿羊奶芝士、頂級巴馬臣芝士或巴馬臣芝士(削薄片) 115克/4安士 115g/4oz mature Pecorino, Grana Padano cheese or Parmesan cheese, pared into thin slices
海鹽和即磨黑胡椒粒 適量 Dash sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


Have ready 4 warm(but not hot)plates. Season the beef with sea salt and pepper.
Heat a ridged grill pan until smoking.
Sear the beef for about 2 minutes per side. Ideally it should be eaten very rare in this dish. When you see red droples on the surface of the meat, it is an indication that it is perfectly rare inside.
Transfer to a wooden board, leave to rest for a minute. covered.
Slice thinly.
Lay the slices on the warm plates.
Scatter the leaves on top.
Put the pared cheese over the top. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Shake over the olive oil and eat immediately.

煙肉粒菊苣炒粗玉米豆粉糕 / Stir Fried Polenta with Lardons and Endives

材料 Ingredients
雞胸肉(切小塊) 300克 300g chicken breast, cut into bite size
鮮椰奶 3杯 3 cups fresh coconut milk
清雞湯 2杯 2 cups chicken stock
草菇 1撮 A handful of straw mushrooms
材料(4人份量,可多預一些粗玉米豆粉糕) Ingredients(Serves 4)
粗玉米豆粉糕材料 For the polenta
清水(份量要準確) 1.8公升 1.8 litres water, exactly
鹽 2茶匙 2 tsp salt
粗玉米豆粉 225克/8安士 225g/8oz coarse-ground polenta meal
炒菜材料 For the pan fried endives
橄欖油 2湯匙 2 tbsp olive oil
煙肉粒 225克/8安士 225g/8oz lardons
粉紅菊苣(切碎,如用兩束鬚苣則切條) 2棵 2 pink chicory / or 2 handfuls frisee endives, chopped or in the case of the endives, cut into strips
意大利番茜 Italian parsley
鹽和胡椒粉 salt and pepper
註:預先準備粗玉米豆粉(放入雪櫃內可存數天)。 Note:Prepare the polenta in advance(it will keep for days in the fridge.)


Bring the water to the boil in a large pan, and add the salt.
Slowly pour in the polenta meal as you stir with a whisk.
Bring back to the boil, still stirring, then slowly whisk as it thickens. Simmer for about 40 minutes, whisking from time to time. It will become thick but not solid.
Dampen the inside of a loaf tin(about 20-25cm/8-10 inch in length)with water then pour the cooked polenta into it. Leave to cool completely - it will set firm so you can cut slices from it for the grill.
Turn the cooked polenta 'loaf' out onto a board and cut 4 thick slices and then cut these into cubes. Pat dry with a towel to remove excess water.
Put the olive oil in a large non-stick frying pan heat over a medium flame. Add the polenta with the lardons and fry, stirring regularly until they begin to take on colour.
Quickly stir in the leaves.
Add the cut Italian parsley.
Season with salt and pepper, drizzle some olive oil and serve.

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