葡式鴨飯的葡文為arroz de pato,這是一道傳統且流行的菜式,特點是鴨肉、鴨油和鴨香令飯粒變得惹味可口。很感謝May Gabison給我指點做西班牙飯的技巧,她的sofrito番茄式醬汁(將洋葱和蒜慢慢炒至深色糊狀,然後加入番茄和糖)正是能令炒飯注滿濃濃味道的秘密。出色的烹飪竅門實在可遇不可求,所以我衷心多謝May,讓我獲益良多。

Editor's Note
葡式鴨飯 / Duck Rice Portuguese Style | ||
材料 | Ingredients | |
鴨 1隻(3千克) |
1斤 | 1 duck(3kg) |
醃料 | For the marinade | |
蒜頭(搗碎) | 5瓣 | 5 cloves garlic, crushed |
鹽 | 3湯匙 | 3 tbsp salt |
白胡椒粒 | 2茶匙 | 2 tsp white peppercorns |
胡荽籽 | 4克 | 4g coriander seeds |
八角 | 3至4粒 | 3-4 star anise |
百里香 | 2束 | 2 sprigs of thyme |
橙青 | 半個 | Zest from half an orange |
香葉 | 1片 | 1 bay leaf |
鴨清湯 | For the duck stock | |
大葱 | 1棵 | 1 stalk leek |
西芹 | 2棵 | 2 stalks celery |
黑胡椒 | 1湯匙 | 1 tbsp black peppercorn |
足夠蓋過鴨身的清水 | Enough water to cover the duck |

Grind the salt, star anise, coriander seeds, and peppercorns with a pestle and mortar or coffee grinder, then transfer to a bowl. Mince the orange peel until very fine. Add the thyme, orange zest and the bay leaf.

Rub the salt mixture all over the duck and place onto a tray. Smash the garlic and spread over the duck. Cover with cling wrap and leave overnight in the fridge.

The next day, use towel paper to wipe off the marinade. Punch holes into the skin all over the duck so fat can escape during cooking. This will help to make the skin crisp.

Put the duck in a pot with leek, celery and black peppercorns. Fill the pot with enough water to just cover the duck. Bring water to a boil for 5 minutes and simmer for 11/2 hours.

Take the duck out, drain the stock, and skim off the fat(you will notice there is more than 1 cup of fat). Set aside.(This is now your duck broth)

Use a short sharp knife and work slowly, keeping the knife as close to the flesh as possible. Peel the skin away and try to keep as one piece.
鴨皮及肉的處理 / Dealing with the duck skin and meat

Place the duck skin side up on a baking tray and roast in a 220℃(450℉or Gas Mark 7)oven until the skin is crispy golden brown.

Cut the now crispy duck skin into pieces.

Now remove all the meat and cut into strips.
煮葡式鴨飯 / Cooking the Duck Rice Portuguese Style |
材料 | Ingredients | |
西班牙米或意大利米(切勿洗米) | 400克 | 400g Valencia or Arborio rice(Do not wash the rice) |
鴨清湯 | 31/2杯 | 31/2 cups duck stock |
罐裝番茄粒(隔水,剁蓉,再隔水) | 1罐(14.5安士) | 1 can(14.5 oz)diced tomatoes, drained, minced, and drained again |
乾白酒 | 1/3杯 | 1/3 cup dry white wine |
中型洋葱(切薄片) | 1個 | 1 medium onion, cut in thin slices |
蒜頭(切幼粒) | 4瓣 | 4 cloves garlic, cut fine |
糖 1茶匙 | 1 tsp sugar | |
西班牙辣香腸(Chorizo Sausage) | 200克 | 200g Spanish-style chorizo sausage |
淡煙肉厚片 | 100克 | 100g lightly smoked slab bacon |

Cut 100g chorizo into small cubes, and heat 1 tsp olive oil in a heavy-bottomed frying pan. Fry the chorizo until oil is rendered. Dish up the chorizo and set aside for later use.

Fry the onion slices in the oil rendered by the chorizo, and when it turns translucent, add the chopped garlic. Continue to fry until the onion and garlic turns almost black.

Add the wine and when it has evaporated, add the tomatoes with the tsp of sugar. Simmer over low heat until the sofrito becomes jam-like. This is the making of sofrito.

Stir in the rice and cook until the grains are well-coated with the tomato mixture. Stir in the duck stock and increase the heat to medium-high, and bring to a boil, uncovered, stirring occasionally for 5 minutes.

Cover the pan and turn the heat down to a simmer, leaving the rice untouched until it has soaked up most of the liquid. About 15 minutes.

Now give the rice a good stir with a metal spoon. Scrape the bottom of the pan well when stiring so the rice will not burn.
Then transfer the pan to a preheated oven of 180℃(350℉or Gas Mark 4)to finish cooking the rice. About 15 minutes.
上碟 / Plating

Put a layer of rice in an ovenproof dish, then a layer of duck meat……

……then another layer of rice, and so on, until all the rice and duck meat have been used up.

Cut the remaining half chorizo and bacon into slices and lay them on top.

Return to the oven for 10 minutes and serve hot.