馳名西班牙風乾肉食於全球首屈一指,對於這種國寶級特產,每個西班牙人心目中也各有所好,且每餐用膳前定必先將之細嚼慢嘗一番。最上佳的臘製食品乃Ibérico黑毛豬火腿,此肉來自自由放養、飼以橡果的肥美Ibérico黑毛豬,以這火腿與西班牙番茄麵包伴食,實乃完美絕配。如欲炮製絕頂的風乾火腿伴番茄麵包,上等的番茄、特純橄欖油及優質的麵包乃先決材料,而購自中環置地廣場L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon餐廳的上乘發酵白麵糰或農夫包,均為我的首選推介。

加泰羅尼亞菜名廚 Mercè Brunés
風乾火腿配番茄麵包/ Pa Amb Tomaquet–Grilled Bread with Tomato and Jamon
4 slices country bread
1 garlic clove(optional)
2 ripe tomatoes, halved around their equator
Trace of extra virgin olive oil
Trace of salt
4 slices Jamon, such as Ibérico or Serrano
製法 看圖即煮 / Method

Begin by toasting the bread. It will taste best on a barbecue or ridged griddle pan(stove top grill pan)but a toaster will do.

While the bread is still hot, rub with the cut garlic clove(optional).

Squeeze the tomato over each slice of bread, to release a juicy pulp.

Finish with a good drizzle of pure extra virgin olive oil and a little salt if you wish(some people do and some others don't).

Place the Jamon on top. Fold and tuck it a little rather than placing it flat. It will look much more appetizing.

1.For making large quantity of Pa amb Tomàquet, it is worth grating the tomato flesh into a bowl and spooning it on the bread. (The skin will remain intact during the procedure and should be discarded).
2.When cut the tomato in half, make sure you cut from the middle section, and not from top to bottom.
焦糖奶凍/Crema Catalana—Catalan Crème Bruleé
全脂奶 1公升
玉桂條 1支
檸檬皮青 半個
蛋黃 8隻
糖 200克
製作焦糖面的糖 8湯匙
Ingredients(Serves 8)
40g corn flour(corn starch)
1 Litre full fat milk
1 cinnamon stick
Zest of 1/2 lemon
Zest of 1/2 orange(optional)
8 egg yolks
200g sugar
8 tbsp sugar for caramelizing


Begin by mixing the corn flour with 1/4 cup cold milk in a bowl. Set aside.

Bring the rest of the milk and the cinnamon, lemon zest and the orange zest to the boil. Once the milk has reached the boil, turn off the heat and leave the flavours to infuse for a few minutes.

Mix the egg yolks and sugar until light and fluffy. Add corn flour mixture into the eggs yolks and mix thoroughly.

Then add to the warm milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring all the time until thickened. Do not let the custard boil; the corn flour will help to stabilize the mixture. Once the mixture is thicker, remove the pan from the heat and keep stirring for a few minutes.

Pour the cream into small terracotta dishes. Keep in the fridge until ready to serve.

Just before serving, sprinkle the custards with a thin layer of sugar and using a cook's blowtorch or a very quick flash under your hottest grill, caramelize to a deep brown colour.